SALT-PAN HOUSE - instalación efimera de espejos en torno a las ruinas de una antigua casa de sal en Eslovenia.
instalación efimera en Eslovenia
Cliente: Concurso
Año: 2O20
Area: 15.69m3
presupuesto: 30.OOO €

What can enhance a ruin as much as itself? the intervention aims to focus the viewer’s attention to the ruin, reflecting it in every direction.
A set of “salt crystals” had appeared once the land was flooded by the canal and then evaporated. Those crystal are as reflective as the evaporation basin itself.
Strategically placed, the different visitants, both from land and water will be able to see the different facets of the former Salt-Pan house at the same time. The picture will be completed with abstract views of the canal, the halophytes , the canal’s stone walls and the sky.
7 faceted pieces will create this shiny illusion, built completed with CLT boards and certain faces wrapped with acrylic mirror.
A pretended random display of “crystals”, sharped shapes trimmed from the sky showing a stone wall, the canal or its own reflection twice.
The display pretends to allow every visitant to view the whole in one shot, not yet to understand it without walking through it. The whole can’t be fully understood until it has been surrounded, walked through, contemplated.
The intervention is fully built with CLT boards of 16 and 10cm. The CLT will be use as a plain surface but also combined as the substructure of facetted geometries, later wrapped with acrylic silver mirror sheets. The connections between board-board and board-mirror will be in stainless steel. Also concrete foundations will be part of the structure, when needed.
delavegacanolasso© 2020.
Todos los derechos reservados · Diseñada y desarrollada por Pilar Cano-Lasso e Ignacio de la vega©·
Todos los derechos reservados · Diseñada y desarrollada por Pilar Cano-Lasso e Ignacio de la vega©·